

Laurent Binet の “HHhH” (3)

I think I'm beginning to understand. What I'm writing is an infranovel.
The moment is getting closer, I can feel it. The Mercedes is on its way. It's coming. Something floating in the Prague air pierces me to my bones. The twists of the road are spelling out the destiny of a man, and of another, and another, and another. I see pigeons take off from the bronze head of Jan Hus and, in the background, the most beautiful view in the world: Tyn Church with its sharp black turrets, whose grey and evil-looking facade is so majestic that it makes me want to fall to my knees every time I see it. The heart of Prague beats in my chest. I hear the bells of the tramway. I see men in grey-green uniforms, I hear their boots clicking on the cobbles. I'm nearly there. I have to go. Yes, I must travel to Prague. I have to be there when this happens.
I have to write it there. (pp.205-206)
 とりわけ、I can feel it./ I see ..../ I hear ..../ I have to go. .... I have to be there when this happens. といったくだりに、従来の現在時制の文にはなかった作家の目、作家の意識が明らかに読み取れる。「暗殺が今そこにある事件として語られ、事件と平行して、小説が今そこで生まれつつある作品として書き進められ」ている箇所である。こういう作法をぼくは、「歴史との対話、自作小説との対話」といささかオーバーに評したわけだ。それが作者の言う 'infranovel' を生み出しているのである。