『そして父になる』のほうは、どうも見る前から涙が出てきそうな物語らしいので敬遠するかもしれない。"The Lowland" も、大ざっぱにいえば同一路線だろうか。
といっても、Jhumpa Lahiri の筆致は「即物的といっていいほど淡々と」したもので、家族の絆をテーマに、「書きようによってはお涙頂戴式になる場面でも、行間から深い感情がにじみ出てくるようで、かえってえぐりが効いている」。
Every night, as Bela's insistence, he lay with her until she fell asleep. It was a reminder of their connection to each other, a connection at once false and true. And so night after night, after helping her brush her teeth and changing her into her pajamas, he switched off the light and lay beside her. Bela instructed him to turn and face her, to lock eyes with her so that their breath mingled. Look at me, Baba, she whispered, with an intensity, an innocence, that overwhelmed him. Sometimes she held his face in her hands.
Do you love me?
Yes, Bela.
I love you more.
More than what?
I love you more than you love me.
That's impossible. That's my job.
But I love you more than anybody loves anybody. (p.156)
……などなど、男親なら、自分の娘はどうだったっけ、と思い出しながら上のくだりを読むはずだが、'a connnection at once false and true' という文言に「えぐりが効いて」ますな。