"The Perfection of a Love" を読んだ感想をひと言でいうと、「なるほど、こんな恋愛小説もあったのか」。
もっと詳しく説明する前に、ほかに似たような小説と出会ったことはなかったっけ、と気になり、エクセルに打ちこんでいる既読書リストをながめてみた。すると目についたのが Milan Kundera の "Unbearable Lightness of Being"。「プラハの春を背景にした哲学的恋愛小説」というメモが残っていた。
ただ、「哲学的恋愛小説」というのは、「哲学」の意味を拡大解釈すれば、この "The Perfection of a Love" にも当てはまるかもしれない。たとえばヒロイン、Claudine が全寮制の学校に在籍している娘のもとを訪れる途中、列車の窓から外をながめるシーンはこうなっている。She continued to gaze anxiously out of the window. But gradually, under the pressure of the huge strangeness out there, her mind began to be ashamed of all its protestation and struggle, and it seemed to pause. And now it was becoming imbued with that very subtle, final, passive strength which lies in weakness, and it grew thinner and slighter than a child, softer than a sheet of faded silk. And it was only now with a mildly looming delight that she experienced this ultimate human ecstasy in being a stranger in the world, in seeming to take leave of it, a sense of being unable to penetrate into the word, of finding, among all her decisions, none that was meant for herself; and, being forced by them to the very edge of life, she felt the moment before the plunge into the blind vastness of empty space. (pp.138-139)