And then came the times we called home, and young strangers answered the phone, and we said, Who are you? and they said, I'm Thabani's son, Lungile; I'm Nyarai's daughter, Tricia; I'm Prayer's second child, Garikayi. We listened to these strangers and said, Jesus, Thabani is a parent now? Nyarai has a daughter now? Prayer is a parent now? When did it happen, when did all these children have their own children? That is how time went. It flew and we did not see it flying. We did not go back home to visit because we did not have the papers for our return, and so we just stayed, knowing that if we went we would not be able to reenter America. We stayed, like prisoners, only we chose to be prisoners and we loved our prison; it was not a bad prison. And when things only got worse in our country, we pulled our shackles ever tighter and said, We are not leaving America, no, we are not leaving. (pp.246-247)