とそんなことを思い出したのは、このおやじギャグ、おわかりですね、Austen の "Emma"(1815)を読んでいたときのことだ。
いやはや、いつにもましてムダ口ばかり。しかしむべなるかな。"Emma" が Austen の代表作のひとつだとは知っていたけど、予備知識はそれだけ。"Jane Eyre" や "Pride and Prejudice" とちがって、これは恥ずかしながら邦訳すら読んだことがなかった。三回目にして初めて、未踏の地への古典巡礼である。
さて落ち穂ひろい。やはり英語の話からはじめよう。二冊目の Austen とあってさすがに馴れてきたせいか、"Pride and Prejudice" では奇異に感じたいくつかの点も、センセイ、またですね、とすんなり読めた。
代名詞の指示内容と「変則カンマ」については上の過去記事で紹介しているので、ここでは「変則話法」とでもいえるような例を挙げておこう。She [Emma] introduced him [Frank Churchill] to her friend, Miss Smith, and, at convenient moments afterwards, heard what each thought of the other. "He had never seen so lovely a face, and was delighted with her naïveté." And she,―"Only to be sure it was paying him too great a compliment, but she did think there were some looks a little like Mr. Elton." Emma restrained her indignation, and only turned from her in silence.(p.205)
最初の話者は Emma なので、her naïveté の her は your がふつう。また、And she, の she は Miss Smith を指すので、but she は but I がふつうだろう。このように直接話法のなかに間接話法が混在している例は "Pride and Prejudice" にもいくつかあったが、あいにくメモは取らなかった。
[Mrs. Elton said to Miss Woodhouse (=Emma),] "... And it [Bath] is so cheerful a place, that it could not fail of being of use to Mr. Woodhouse's [Emma's father's] spirits, ..."/ ... She [Emma] restrained herself, however, from any of the reproofs she could have given, and only thanked Mrs. Elton coolly; "but their going to Bath was quite out of the question; and she was not perfectly convinced that the place might suit her better than her father."(p.256)ふつうの直接話法なら、but our going ... is / and I am / suit me better than my father だろう。
... she [Emma] recommended his [Frank Churchill's] taking some refreshment; he would find abundance of every thing in the dining-room―and she humanely pointed out the door./ "No―he should not eat. He was not hungry; it would only make him hotter." In two minutes, however, he relented in his own favour; and muttering something about spruce beer, walked off.(p.341)やはり直接話法なので、I should not eat. I am not hungry / make me hotter がふつうのはず。
Austen の書き癖なのか、当時は直接話法と間接話法が混在する過渡期だったのか、それともなにか個々の例に共通する混在の必然性があるのか、ぼくにはよくわからない。きっとどなたか英文科の先生が研究されていることでしょう。(つづく)