

Yuri Hererra の “Signs Preceding the End of the World”(2)

 ネタを割っても大過ないと思うので、一部だけ引用しておこう。.... she saw a tall, thin man draped in a baggy leather jacket. .... He stopped in front of her. / Here. He held out a file. All taken care of. / Makina took the file and looked at its contents. There she was, with another name, another birthplace. Her photo, new numbers, new trade, new home. I've been skinned, she whispered. / When she looked up the man was no longer there .... she saw that what was happening was not a cataclysm; she understood with all of her body and all of her memory, she truly understood, and when everything in the world fell silent finally said to herself I'm ready. (pp.106-107)
 男の正体は不明。とにかく Makina は兄と再会してまた別れたあと、上の場面でいわば新しい identity を与えられる。I'm ready. いったい、何をする心がまえができたんだろう。
 なにしろ、起こった出来事だけで言えば、本書の粗筋は単純そのものだ。Makina がアメリカとの「国境を越えたまま音信不通となった兄の行方を追って、自分もまた彼の地へ向かう」。やがて、「兄と再会してまた別れ」る。ただそれだけだ。
 そう思わせる風景のひとつがこれだ。And when she arrived and saw what she'd come to find it was sheer emptiness. / And yet machines were still at work .... but the breadth of that abyss and the clean cut of its walls didn't correspond to the modest exertion of the machines. Whatever once was there had been pulled out by the roots, expelled from this world; it no longer existed. / I don't know what they told you, declared the irritated anglo, I don't know what you think you lost but you ain't going to find it here, there was nothing here to begin with. (pp.69-70)
 Makina は兄と再会する前後、いろいろフシギな光景を目にする。上も何かの発掘現場らしいのだが、これなど「現代の荒廃と混乱を端的に象徴した現実」と言えないだろうか。