が一方、ジョーン・バエズの反戦歌を唄う平和運動家たちをからかうような文言も見受けられ、本書の「反戦的」な描写は、少なくともイデオロギーとしての平和主義、プロパガンダ的な反戦思想に発するものではない。どこかの国のノーベル文学賞作家には、右に厳しく左に甘い平和主義者もいるが、Marlantes はどうやらそんな下心のある反戦作家ではないようだ。
長い引用になるが、主人公の Mellas 少尉はこんなことを考えている。Mellas understood that....he had participated in evil, but this evil had hurt him as well. He also understood that his participation in evil was a result of being human. Being human was the best he could do. Without man there would be no evil. But there was also no good, nothing moral built over the world of fact. Humans were responsible for it all. He laughed at the cosmic joke, but he felt heartsick. (p.500)
ううむ、Marlantes はひょっとしたら悲劇的な人間観の持ち主かもしれない。戦争とは言うまでもなく大量殺人にほかならないが、そんな evil な行為をなぜ人間は犯してしまうのか。この問題にじつは人間の悲劇性がかかわっているのであって、ぼくとしてはその点をとことん追求してほしかった。が、そうなると「ジョーズ」式の映画的な展開からは逸脱してしまうので、作品の整合性に欠けてしまう…という判断があったのかもしれない。
こんなくだりはどうだろう。Revenge would heal nothing. Revenge had no past. It only started things. It only created more waste, more loss, and he knew that the waste and loss of this night could never be redeemed. (p.563)
Mellas 少尉の人間的な成長を示すくだりも引用しておこう。He would not slip into the jungle and save himself, because that self didn't look like anything worth saving. He'd choose to stay on the hill and do what he could do to save those around him. The choice comforted and calmed him down. Dying this way was a better way to die because living this way was a better way to live. (pp.399 - 400) He was suddenly aware that he was thinking like the company commander. He had 200 Marines to take care of. Everyone could deal with his own conscience. Mellas truly no longer cared about justice or punishment. (p.563)