大事なネタを割らないように、なるべく前半から例を挙げよう。まず Dora は前回紹介したように、いったん夫の Paul と別居し、次にまたヨリを戻す。こんないきさつだ。'Paul did not in fact pursue her, but wrote her regular weekly letters of reproach. She felt in these letters, with a certain despair, the demonic energy of his will bent always upon her. She knew he would never give her up. She passed the summer drinking and dancing and making love and spending Paul's allowance on multi-coloured skirts and sandals and jazz records. Then in early September she decided to go back to him.' (p.13)
最後の文が問題である。それまでの流れとは逆に、Dora は唐突に復縁を決めている。次も急展開、〈意外な切り替え〉の例。Dora は夫のいる田舎に向かう列車の中で、あとから乗り込んで来た初老の婦人に席を譲るべきかどうか、さんざん迷ったあげく、'She decided not to give up her seat. She got up and said to the standing lady "Do sit down here, please. I'm not going very far, and I'd much rather stand anyway." ' (p.17)
前回書いたことだが、読んでいる最中はフシギに思えても、あとでその意味がわかるエピソードの多用も、そういう工夫のひとつだ。前回の例を詳しく説明しよう。Dora は宗教団体の指導者 Michael ともども、森の中で Toby 少年 (18) のこんな姿を見かける。'Then she saw a pale figure standing quite still on the far side of the pool. It took her another moment, after the first shock of surprise, to see who it was. It was Toby, dressed in a sun hat and holding a long stick which he had thrust into the water and with which he was stirring up the mud from the bottom. Dora saw at once, saw sooner than her recognition, that except for his sun hat Toby was quite naked.' (pp.76-77)
これもふつうに読んでいて、ドキっとするような場面だが、場面そのものが意外であるため、それに幻惑されて引き込まれ、そのフシギさには気づかない。けれども、よく考えると、Toby はなぜ裸なのか。なぜ水たまりにいるのか。なぜそれを Michael も目撃するのか。
自然美、とりわけ湖の美しさはたとえようがない。舞台は Gloucestershire の田舎で、尼僧院の近くに一般信徒の宗教団体の起居する屋敷があり、尼僧院も屋敷も同じ湖に面している。その湖の様子が描かれるときは、しばしページをめくる手を休めて風景を愛でたいものだ。'Michael Meade was awakened by a strange hollow booming sound which seemed to come from the direction of the lake. He lay rigid for a moment listening anxiously to the silence which had succeeded the sound, and then got out of bed and went to the open window. His room faced the Abbey. It was a bright moonlit night and he could see as he looked out, intent and nevours, the great expanse of the lake, and the Abbey wall opposite to him, clearly revealed in the blazing splendour of the moon which was well risen above the market-garden. Everything looked familiar and at the same time rather eerie.' (p.78)
この宗教団体にはトラブルメーカー的な一員もいる。Nick という男だが、Nick の紹介は、Toby が Michael ともうひとりの指導者的な存在 James との会話を立ち聞きするかたちで行なわれる。自然な人物紹介もまた、小説的工夫のひとつであることは前回述べたとおりだ。
さて、ぼく自身の本書の人物紹介は不得要領だが、詳しい説明ぬきに次の場面を読んでみよう。人物関係が判明したあとで読み返すと、これが息づまるような瞬間であったことがわかり、またもや月並みな感想だが、スゴイとしか言いようがない。'As Nick came up to Toby he turned and saw Michael watching them from the other side [of the lake]. It was too far for speech, and even a shout have been indistinct. Nick's face was a distant blur. For a moment Michael and Nick looked at each other across the water. Then Nick raised his hand in a slow salute, solemn or ironical. Michael released the painter and began to wave back. But Nick had already turned and was leading Toby away. The boat came lazily to a standstill in the middle of the lake.' (p.98)