いやはや、これはムツカシかった! この数年読んだ本の中では、最高難度の部類に入ると思う。
語学だけなら、たとえば去年のブッカー賞受賞作、George Saunders の "Lincoln in the Bardo" も世評では難解ということになっているようだが、あれは中身が薄い。たしかに鬼面人を驚かすようなスタイルで、最初は戸惑うかもしれないけれど、いったん慣れてしまえば、あるいはその意図がわかってしまえば、あとは単語レベルの話。だから辞書やネット情報で片がつく。
ところが、この "The Conservationist" の場合、いくら辞書を引いても首をひねってしまう箇所が、少なくともぼくには多々あった。比較的わかりやすい例を挙げておこう。主人公の Mehring が路上で見かけた女を車に乗せる。そのあと女はドライブインでホットドッグを買うが、すぐには食べようとしない。- Why don't you eat. - They beg on street-corners and spend the money in the next bar; that's what they'd do with it if they had it. No no. - I nearly forgot. - The hand is lifted from him and rakes into the shelf for the packet, displacing at the same time something hard that rolls out into the floor of the car. - Look at that! - She's dived for it. A glass marble. It has been lying there as it lay in the dust and fluff (smell of cat) where I found it for you; it lies in the stranger's hand that was on my thigh but did not touch me, an egg stolen from a nest, as you showed a brown agate egg in a stranger's adolescent hand, a whole clutch of pale, freckled eggs that will never hatch. The car door is standing open on the passenger side. Hampered by her shoes, she is strolling a little way ahead.(p.257)
このくだりを読みながら、ぼくはまず、they って誰?と考え、次に、なぜここにこんな文があるのだろう、そして No no の意味は?と思った。それからこんどは you って誰?と考え、次に、an egg ってどういうこと?車内には卵がないはずなのに、と思った。
作品の中ほど、Mehring が南アフリカに帰る機内で、隣りの座席についた若い娘にオサワリする愉快な場面がある。これを踏まえ、幕切れ寸前に飛んでみよう。He tried to interfere with me (that's the phrase that's used) when as a young prospective immigrant girl I sat beside me in an aircraft. He propositioned me in a coffee bar, trying to persuade me to sit in the dark with him at a cowboy film. If I had had my father's money I would have known better what to do with it than to pick up a prostitute and take her behind the trees. We phoned again and again, but no wonder, he was caught with a black girl, that's what he was doing. She hasn't even got up, the bitch. She lies there looking on, she doesn't even bother to draw her legs together.(p.264)