

Akhil Sharma の “Family Life” (3)

 日本の場合、「介護は社会問題」と言えば、福祉制度あるいは介護団体や施設の問題という意味だろう。それがこの "Family Life" では、文化の問題へとつながっている。
 ぼくがそのことに気がついたのはここだ。'It is common among Indians to look at someone who is suffering and sacrificing and think that person is noble and holy. Also, seeking blessings before exams is ordinary. In America, even parents who might define themselves as agnostic show up at temple before the SAT.' (p.131)
 主人公の兄 Birju は不慮の事故にあい植物状態。それがインド系移民の目には、'someone who is suffering and sacrificing' と写る。それゆえ、兄はいわば「聖者」と見なされ、親たちが子供の受験前に祝福を受けにやって来る、というわけだ。
 さらに、主人公の少年 Ajay が学校で成績優秀であることも加わり、一家は注目の的となる。'.... my family was also becoming more and more famous. This was not only because my good grades had brought another level of attention to us, but also because the community was growing and so there were simply more people to give attention. .... These people began visiting us. .... When they came, they brought coconuts and bananas as if they were visiting an actual temple. .... Some of the women came into Birju's room, gripped his feet with both hands, and bowed and touched their foreheads to his feet.' (pp.167-168)
 ひるがえって、わが国には文化の問題にまで踏み込んで介護を扱った小説があるのだろうか。T. S. Eliot は "Notes Towards The Definition of Culture" の中でこう述べている。'Yet there is an aspect in which we can see a religion as the whole way of life, from birth to the grave, from morning to night and even in sleep, and that way of life is also its culture. .... what is part of our culture is also a part of our lived religion.' (Faber and Faber, p.31) '.... culture is not merely the sum of several activities, but a way of life.' (p.41)
 Tolstoyの "Childhood, Boyhood, Youth" の項でも引用したくだりだが、Akhil Sharma は、まさしく Eliot の定義による「文化」をインド系移民に即して小説化している。ところが、日本には文学者ではないが、「不倫は文化だが、戦争は文化ではない」などと、わけのわからぬ文化論を唱える御仁もいる。「文化」の意味をわが国の作家はどう理解しているのだろうか、とぼくは本書を読みながらふと考えてしまった。