

Akhil Sharma の “Family Life” (2)

 それが「リアルな修羅場」として描かれているのがここだ。I stood at the foot of the bed. .... His stomach was a dome, and his G-tube, bound in a figure eight, resembled a ribbon on the side of a girl's head. "Brother," I said, "I have never met anyone as lazy as you. Making people bother you." My mother, finishing with the towel, straightened herself. "Tell him, 'I'm not lazy. I'm a king." My father slipped his arms through Birju's underarms. He pulled him up until Birju was half sitting. My father grinned. He leaned down and said into Birju's ear. "Why are you so heavy? Are you getting up at night and eating? You are, aren't you? Admit it! I see crumbs on your chin." (pp.108-109)
 兄が不慮の事故にあったとき、主人公の少年 Ajayは、まっ先にこんなことを考える。'As I walked, I wondered whether Birju had stepped on a nail. I wondered if he was dead. This last was thrilling. If he was dead, I would get to be the only son.' (p.42)
 いかにも子供らしい残酷でわがままな反応である。むろん、Ajay は事故当時をふりかえって「自分のエゴイズムを正直に吐露」しているわけだが、これは言うまでもなくフィクション。作者の人間観察の正確さを物語るエピソードだと思う。