

"Autumn" 雑感 (2)

 日本文学の catch up もしかり。9月から始めたのだが、いま読んでいる『よるのふくらみ』でやっと7冊目。まっこと就眠儀式らしい超スローペースだ。
 閑話休題。"Autumn" はむずかしい作品だと思う。なぜ秋なのか。それがイマイチわからないからだ。
 ただ、101歳の老人 Daniel が療養所で息を引き取るのは秋かもしれない。主人公の30代の女性 Elisabeth(Elizabeth のミスタイプではない) が足繁く見舞いに訪れているのが夏だからだ。秋とは、そういうことなのかな。
Elisabeth was fourteen. She and Daniel were walking where the canal met the countryside, where the path peels away and goes off up through to the woods on the curve of the hill. It was suddenly freezing though it was only quite early in autumn. The rain was coming, she could see it when they got to the top of the hill, it was moving across the landscape like someone was shading in the sky with a pencil. / Daniel was out of breath. He didn't usually get this out of breath. / I don't like it when the summer goes and the autumn comes, she said. / Daniel took her by the shoulders and turned her round. He didn't say anything. But all across the landscape down behind them it was still sunlit blue and green. / She looked up at him showing her how the summer was still there. / Nobody spoke like Daniel. / Nobody didn't speak like Daniel. (p.148)
 いままで読んだ中では、これがベストシーンだと思う。当たるも八卦、当たらぬも八卦。Daniel は秋口に他界するんじゃないでしょうか。その前提で上のくだりを読むと、オジイチャンのぼくには心にしみるものがあります。