

“Jane Eyre” 雑感(2)

 というわけで "Jane Eyre"、いつにもまして順調にスローペースで進んでいる。その後いくつか気のついた点もあり、それをまとめるつもりでこの記事を書きはじめたのだが、考えてみると、本書は英文学ファンにはあえて紹介するまでもない古典中の古典。ぼくだって高1のときだったか邦訳で読んだことがあり、それをいま英語で読んでいるだけの話だ。

1. As she [Miss Ingram] said this, she approached her tall person and ample garments so near the window, that I [Jane] was obliged to bend back almost to the breaking of my spine: ...(Penguin Classics, p.214)
  ネットで調べたところ、ここ、わりと有名なくだりのようで、いくつかヒットした。そのうち最初に訪れたのが WordReference.com Language Forum というサイト。恥ずかしながら知らないサイトだった。そこで Krishnameera というひとが、What can be the meaning of the highlighted part [tall person and ample garments]? と質問。
 その答えのひとつがこうだった。The girl was tall and she was wearing (probably) a dress with a very full skirt, as was fashionable at the time. She was taking up a lot of space, forcing Jane to move as far away as she could in order to keep out of her way.
 なるほど。思ったとおりの意味だったけど、それにしても、べつの回答者が述べているとおりヘンテコな approach の用例だ。Yes, but it's highly unusual (even for that period) to use 'approach' with this sort of object, the thing that you're causing to approach (something else).

2. In a day or two I [Mr Rochester] hope to pour them [jewels] into your [Jane's] lap: for every attention be yours, that I would accord a peer's daughter, if about to marry her.(pp.290 -291)
 ここも有名なくだりのようだが、最初の例と同じく WordReference.com Language Forum で調べてみた。するとこんどは lifebookmark というひとが、Hi all, I'm currently reading Jane Eyre and this part confused me (Chapter 24): ... What does the highlighted part [I would accord ... marry her.] mean?
 回答例は、The idea is that I will give you everything that I would give the daughter of a peer, if I were marrying her and not you. とか I will do all the things for you that I would do for the daughter of a peer, if I planned to marry such a lady.など。第二例のほうがわかりやすいかな。
3. I [St John] am ... a follower of the sect of Jesus. As his disciple I adopt his pure, his merciful, his benignant doctrines. I advocate them: I am sworn to spread them. Won in youth to religion, she has cultivated my original qualities thus:―From the minute germ, natural affection, she has developed the overhanging tree, philanthropy.(p.419)
 これまた有名な箇所のようで、Irelia20150604 というひとがこう尋ねている。Hi everyone! I'm puzzled by the bold part [Won in youth to religion, she ... philanthropy], especially "won" and "she" here, How to understand the sentence? My guess is as below. Won in youth to religion => I became a Christian when I was young. she has cultivated my original qualities thus… => Christianity has cultivated my original qualities in this way: she had developed the great love of humankind in general from the minute natural affection.
  すると回答は That's right.

 いやあ便利な時代になったものですな。おそらく古典なら、ぼくが利用した上のサイトのように、いろいろな疑問に答えてくれるサイトがけっこうありそうだ。そういえば、Faulkner を読んでいるとき、全作品の登場人物を紹介しているサイトがあり重宝したものだ。
 ってことで、いまからまた(高血圧で重い)頭をかかえつつ "Jane Eyre" を読むとしよう。


Beethoven: Piano Sonata No. 1-32, Piano Concertos No. 1-5