本書の落ち穂拾いはもうおしまいと思っていたが、今日も仕事でヘトヘト。読みだした本もろくに進んでいないので、昨日に引きつづき、"Americanah" の気に入ったくだりを引用してお茶を濁しておこう。わかりにくい箇所もあるかと思うが、説明はいっさい省略します。
In the morning, the sky was overcast with slate-grey clouds, the air thick with rains foreboding. From nearby a clutch of birds screeched and flew away. The rain would come down, a sea unleashed from the sky, and DSTV images would get grainy, phone networks would clog, the roads would flood and traffic would snarl. She stood with Dike on the verandah as the early droplets came down.
"I kind of like it here," he told her.
She wanted to say, "You can live with me. There are good private schools here that you could go to," but she did not.
She took him to the airport, and stayed watching until he went past security, waved and turned the corner. Back home, she heard the hollowness in her steps as she walked from bedroom to living room to verandah and then back again. (p.425)
- 出版社/メーカー: ソニー・ピクチャーズエンタテインメント
- 発売日: 2011/01/26
- メディア: DVD
- 購入: 1人 クリック: 5回
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