そこできょうは、本書のヒロイン Ifemelu が書いたブログの記事を引用してお茶を濁しておこう。ぼくもブロガーのはしくれだが、Ifemelu のブログを読み、へえ、ブログにはこんなインパクトがあったのか、と初めて知った。なにしろ、Ifemelu はブログをきっかけに講演依頼が殺到するようになるのだ。
それから、ミシェル・オバマ大統領夫人のヘアスタイルがどんなものかもまったく知らなかった。あれ、racism と関係があったんですな。
White Girlfriend and I are Michelle Obama groupies. So the other day I say to her―I wonder if Michelle Obama has a weave, her hair looks fuller today, and all that heat every day must damage it. And she says―you mean her hair doesn't grow like that? So is it me or is that the perfect metaphor for race in America right there? Hair. Ever notice makeover shows on TV, how the black woman has natural hair (coarse, coily, kinky, or curly) in the ugly "before" picture, and in the pretty "after" picture, somebody's taken a hot piece of metal and singed her hair straight? Some black women, AB [American Black] and NAB [Non-American Black], would rather run naked in the street than come out in public with their natural hair. Because, you see, it's not professional, sophisticated, whatever, it's just not damn normal. (中略) Imagine if Michelle Obama got tired of all the heat and decided to go natural and appeared on TV with lots of woolly hair, or tight spirally curls. (中略) She would totally rock but poor Obama would certainly lose the independent vote, even the uneducated Democrat vote. (pp.296-297)