ぼくが本書でわりと共感を覚えた犬は Majnoun という雄のプードルだ。'Over the years, he thought about a thousand things, but two questions occupied most of his time. The first was about humanity. What, he wondered, did it mean to be human? The question was, ultimately, impossible for him to answer. He had been born outside of the human .....' (p.129)
この第1の問いは、本書の冒頭の一節と符合する。'While at the tavern, the gods [Apollo and Hermes] began a desultory conversation about the nature of humanity.' (p.1) 人間性とは何か。人間とはどんな存在なのか。これが本書のテーマである。
Majnoun の第2の問いはこうだ。'The second question was about himself and what it meant ― if it meant anything at all ― to be a dog. What was he, really? Where did he fit in the world? Was he waiting for Nira because it was in his nature to wait, or was his dedication unique and noble? Most days, he felt only that waiting was right. Every once in a while, however, he imagined waiting was only the expression of an instinct, something he had to do. This thought, whenever it occurred, saddened him, mere instinct being unworthy of Nira, who was not his master but, rather, a being who completed him, made him more than he would otherwise have been.' (pp.129-130)
Majnoun の飼い主 Nira は交通事故で死んでいる。が、そのことを知らない Majnoun はひたすら ( 'over the years' ) 主人の帰りを待ちつづける。
すでに明らかだろうが、この2つの問いには人間と動物の違いが端的に示されている。犬は本能で主人の帰りを待つが、人間の知性を授かった犬 Majnoun は 'waiting is right' と感じて待つ。Majnoun 自身は自覚していないものの、そのように感じること自体が第1の問いの答えなのだ。上のくだりはこう結ばれている。'And so, speculating about the canine brought him closer to Nira as well.' (p.130)
なお、"Animal Farm" には、これより数倍も感動的なエピソードがある。馬の Boxer の話だが、それを紹介すると長くなる。このへんでおしまいにしよう。